Planning Commission chair Matthew Hall felt the delay was necessary since the Saye Building is still considered a part of the West Downtown Historic District and the request to remove the property from the Historic District is still pending.
Oconee County Observations reports the vote was four to one…with Board Chairman Michael Ransom, Vice Chair Amy Parrish, Post Five Board member Brock Toole and post 3 Board Member Ryan Hammock all voted for opting our of the exemption.
The Oconee County School System and the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office have reached an agreement to create 16 deputy positions for a resource program that will provide security for each school in the district.
During the month of January, Clarke County School District celebrated a number of accomplishments. Several schools showed significant improvement in math scores, which led to a visit from State Superintendent Richard Woods.
In 2022, only 32% of 4th grade students in Georgia were proficient readers. However, reading proficiency by this grade predicts educational outcomes later in life.
Several county commissioners predicted community backlash to a proposed leaf and limb pickup plan during a meeting Tuesday.
At its first regular session of 2025, the Athens-Clarke County Commission voted to pass a resolution to settle a lawsuit filed by former Executive Director of the First Step homeless camp, Charles Hardy, back in February of last year.
The Mayor and Commission are set to resolve a legal battle with Charles Hardy, previously the CEO of Athens Alliance Coalition and Director of First Step Encampment, who was convicted of assaulting a resident at the camp in 2023.
In November, voters in Georgia approved a referendum allowing the state legislature to pass House Bill 581. The law caps increases of assessed homesteaded property values.
Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress suggest that only 32% of 4th graders in Georgia are at least proficient at reading.
Athens-Clarke County’s mayor and commission passed a resolution Tuesday night asking the state legislature to allow local governments to use ranked choice voting.
The mayor and commission of Athens-Clarke County will return to a resolution on ranked choice voting Tuesday night, an effort which, if it passes, will bring the issue before the state legislature.