Hundreds Participate in Operation Safe Drive Event at Tate Student Center

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Another successful year is in the books for the Operation Safe Drive Event organized by UGA Parking Services. A steady flow of hundreds of cars streamed into the Tate Student Center Parking Lot for four hours today.

“Last year we had 417, this year we’re expecting around 600,” that’s according to Mike Cosby, Assistant Manager at Transit.

Mechanics from Transportation and Parking Services and Facilities Management Division performed a number of safety checks on each vehicle. They included topping off fluids, checking belts, and wiper blades, pressurizing tires and visual inspections.

“We created this a few years ago to help the students be able to have a safe way home, we wanted to make sure their vehicles were safe to travel back home after being here for the entire semester.”

Cosby says the event isn’t just for students.

“This is open for all, students, faculty and staff; if you have an ID card form the university, we welcome you here, it’s free. We want the community to understand that we’re her to help, we’re providing a service. We want you to be safe too.“

The Office of Sustainability was also on hand offering bicycle safety inspections and tune-ups. All services were provided free of charge. T-shirts, safety information and hot chocolate were also handed out.

Operation Safe Drive at UGA's Tate Student Center.

Several other offices were involved including: Campus Catering, Office of Emergency Preparedness, and UGA Traffic Safety Research Group.

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