Athens Diaper Bank supports bill to help families

The Athens Area Diaper Bank, a local nonprofit, is supporting a proposed bill that would lessen the financial burden on families due to diaper need.

House bill 211 proposed to exempt the sale and use tax of any absorbent diaper, undergarment or pads. The bill was introduced by state house representatives Ron Stevens, Houston Gaines and Patty Bentley.

According to the Athens Area Diaper Bank, over 8,000 children are at risk of experiencing diaper need. This includes government assistance programs not covering the cost of diapers. The nonprofit also cites that families spend an average of over one thousand dollars annually on diapers.

The Athens Area Diaper bank partnered with the Georgia Early Education Alliance (GEEARS), Helping Mamas in Atlanta, and Over the Moon Diaper Bank in Savannah.

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