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Emory University Students vote for a no confidence resolution from University president

Jimmy Woo

Students at Emory University have voted in favor of a no confidence resolution of university president Gregory Fenves. The AJC reports about 3,400 of Emory’s 8,100 undergraduate students voted… with about 2,500 of the students who voted, or 74%, approving the measure. But the university said in a statement that 31% of the total undergraduate student body voted in favor of the motion and noted that Emory community members are sharing a wide range of perspectives that are not reflected in the motion passed by Student Government Association.

Fenves has been criticized by some students and faculty for his initial response to an encampment set up on campus to call for a cease fire in the Israel Hamas war. Although protesters say the encampment was peaceful, police made several arrests and used chemical irritants to disperse the crowd.

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