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Georgia Lists Public Schools Which Qualify for Private Scholarships

Georgia has released a list of public schools throughout the state whose students qualify for a private school scholarship program. The Georgia Promise Scholarship provides $6500 education spending accounts for qualified students at schools that rank in the lowest 25% based on test scores.

The Clarke County School District has seven schools on the list – including Gaines, Bettye H. Holston, Howard B. Stroud, Whit Davis elementary schools, Hilsman and Coile middle schools, and Cedar Shoals high school.

The funds can be used for tuition, tutoring, therapeutic services, transportation, and more. More than 500 schools made the list.

The program will start in the 2025-2026 school year. Schools have until December 6th to apply. Parent applications will begin in 2025.

To be eligible, families and students must meet the following criteria:

  • Parents must be Georgia residents.
  • The student must be enrolled in an under-performing public school.  
  • The student may be entering pre-kindergarten or kindergarten.
  • Once eligible, a child remains eligible through 12th grade. 
  • The student cannot be enrolled in a local school system, charter school, or state charter school while participating in the scholarship program.
  • Parents must agree to use accounts only for qualifying education expenses.
Alexia Ridley joined WUGA as Television and Radio News Anchor and Reporter in 2013. When WUGA TV concluded operations, she became the primary Reporter for WUGA Radio. Alexia came to Athens from Macon where she served as the News Director and show host for WGXA TV. She's a career journalist and Savannah native hailing from the University of Michigan. However, Alexia considers herself an honorary UGA DAWG!