Flyball Dog Teams to Compete in Athens

Up to 47 flyball dog teams from across the U.S. will be competing in Athens Saturday and Sunday for the 11th annual flyball dog racing tournament. Double Dog Dare will host the tournament in the Classic Center and welcome spectators to attend free of charge.
Spectators are advised against bringing pets but family and friends of all ages are welcome. Valerie Maples, the flyball tournament scorer, said she encourages families to bring their kids because they can get involved at a very young age.
“I’d call it drag racing in relays with dogs,” Maples said.
The weekend sporting event is organized into different divisions based on teams, and those interested in watching can drop in to ballroom 8 at the Classic Center at any point during the tournament.
“Most venues are out in the boonies, it’s like a fairgrounds and there’s even no place to eat, so it’s really nice that we have this nice air conditioned venue and you can just walk downtown Athens and get something to eat,” Maples said.
Double Dog Dare teaches beginner flyball classes every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. for those interested in participating in upcoming

More information about the tournament and class registration can be found at

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