Big Changes Underway at UGA's White Dam

Work getting underway this week on modifications to White Dam. Multiple agencies are working under the direction of UGA faculty experts on the stone and masonry structure that spams the Middle Oconee River. During the early 20th century, the dam provided hydroelectric power for a nearby textile manufacturing facility, but it has been inoperable for decades.

White Dam
Credit Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA

“The dam doesn’t serve any economic or flood control function,” said James Shelton, an associate professor of fisheries in the Warnell school. “But we designed this process with historic preservation in mind. We will remove a portion of the dam and stabilize other portions that have the greatest historical significance.”
Workers will even use native stone used to construct the dam to stabilize remaining structures.
The biggest push for modifying the dam is its effect on fish and other wildlife. While there are two large breaches in the dam, it is difficult for many fish species to travel upstream, because they cannot swim fast enough through rushing water. Slowing this flow of water by modifying the dam will allow native fish, such as the Altamaha shiner, robust redhorse and the American shad, to navigate the river more easily.

White Dam
Credit Photo by Dorothy Kozlowski/UGA

A more open river will also allow for the easy passage of recreational watercraft like canoes and kayaks.

The dam is owned and managed by UGA’s Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources.

Once completed, this project could serve as a model for other similar structures throughout the U.S. that are likely to be evaluated in the future.

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