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Winterville Hosting 'Winterville Tree Talk' on Fighting Invasive Species

Winterville Tree Commission presenting its first ever “Winterville Tree Talk” Monday. The potluck and presentation “Keeping Your Woodlands Safe and Beautiful” will feature a panel of experts, short presentations and a Question and Answer Session. Bob Bonsal is a member of the commission.

“Invasive plants in many ways are like a disease and the response to a disease, to get rid of a disease is to get the community organized as a public health problem,” according to Bosnal. “We want to get Winterville community in the forefront of this process, now it’s a small community so it’s very suitable for this sort of thing. Getting rid of the invaders will make our forests healthier and more usable, more beautiful.”

In addition to combatting invasive plans, others topics will include what to plant instead, maintenance of trees, native plants that will enhance woodlands and attract butterflies, bees and other pollinators.

Seth Hawkins is with the Georgia Forestry Commission. He will also be taking part in the discussion.

“I think it’s going to be a great opportunity for folks to get out and not only just learn basic identification of invasive species that might be in the back of their yard, but also learning how the invasives got here and what drives that invasive nature,” Hawkins said.  

The free event will also provide information regarding resources that are available to the community.

The program is Monday October 22nd, from 6-8 pm at the Winterville Depot.