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WUGA's Community Advisory Council

The WUGA FM Community Advisory Council is made up of dedicated and involved individuals who help our staff stay connected with our listeners, organizations and issues in our broadcast service area.

Members of our Council perform the following work on a volunteer basis and the Council does not exercise control over management of WUGA.

1. Review the community service provided by the station;

2. Review the programming goals established by station;

3. Review the impact on the community of the significant policy decisions rendered by the station;

4. Advise the management of the station whether the programming and other significant policies of the station are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by the station. The advisory council may make recommendations to station management to meet those specialized needs.

5.  Establish, as a high priority, attendance at all meetings of the board, knowing the board needs full participation of its members to operate effectively.

6. Promote WUGA FM to the community and speak knowledgeably about the station’s programs and goals, educating those in their circles of influence.

7. Pursue and/or encourage corporate or foundation giving to WUGA FM when appropriate.

The WUGA FM Community Advisory Council is made up of dedicated and involved individuals who help our staff stay connected with our listeners, organizations and issues in our broadcast service area. Members of our Council work on a volunteer basis.

Minutes of 2024 Council Meetings:

Minutes of WUGA Advisory Council, May 2, 2024

Georgia Center for Continuing Education

Council Members Present: Sylvia Pannell, David Lee, Freda Scott Giles, Beth Kindamo, Rick Waters, Latrena Artist, Simone Moonsammy, Jef Whatley, Merritt Melancon, Annice Ritter, Gary Bertsch, Madeline Van Dyck, Ford Ballentine, Marilyn Vickers, Erin Podvin Thompson

WUGA Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry, Martin Matheny, Daniel McDonald, Emma Auer, Greg Trevor

Call to Order: Freda Giles welcomed members.

Minutes: The minutes of the February 8, 2024, meeting were unanimously approved.

Tabling Committee Update: Merritt Melancon reported that the tabling efforts were going well and spreading the good word about WUGA. Discussion followed on what handouts and swag to share. It was agreed that a one-page UGA overview will be valuable. Merritt discussed future tabling events and encouraged CAC members to sign up through the link Jef Whatley had created.

Staff Report: Cathy Bradberry reported that 1) the new generator at the WUGA headquarters is now in operation. The one in Oglethorpe County will go into operation the week of May 6th; 2) the WUGA financial situation is in good shape; and 3) the position of General Manager will not be replaced.

Greg Trevor, University Spokesperson and Senior Advisor for Crisis Communications, Office of the VP for Marketing and Communications, reported that he had been the past General Manager’s supervisor. Trevor will now oversee the WUGA operation. He said he will be an advocate and not be involved in day-to-day operations.

Freda Giles raised the issue of what the restructuring means for WUGA’s future, vision and the Advisory Council. Productive discussion followed regarding what the Council can do to broaden and better serve its listeners, connect more with the broader and diverse community, and create more diversity in its listening audience. A participatory event with WXAG and possible on-air segments to air local voices were among the suggestions. Trevor said he valued the input and the work of the Advisory Council.

Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 1:15.

Minutes of WUGA Advisory Council
Georgia Center for Continuing Education
February 8, 2024

Council Members Present: Latrena Artist, Valerie Bell, Gary Bertch, Freda Scott Giles, David Lee, Simone Moonsammy, Sylvia Pannell, Erin Thompson Podvin, Alexia Ridley, Annice Ritter, Fred Smith, Jim Smith, Marilyn Vickers, Rick Waters, Jef Whatley.

Call to Order: Freda Giles welcomed new and old members. New members introduced themselves and discussed their reasons for joining the council.

The minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved. Volunteers for note-taking at future meetings: The following members volunteered to take minutes from our meetings:

February 8: Annice Ritter

May 2: Gary Bertch

Sept. 19: David Lee

Dec. 5: Erin T. Podvin Thompson

Jimmy Sanders spoke about the success of fundraising for the new transmitter and generator to be located in Oglethorpe County. The total cost is $54,000 and $31,000 has been raised so far. Underwriting is going well and increased by 80%. These monies pay for part-time staff and office supplies. Installation of the automation systems have been completed. Automation runs from 6:30 pm through 6 am daily. Jimmy also participated in the Grady College Job Fair on January 7.

Jimmy announced that today is his last meeting and that he will be retiring April 1. No succession plan has been initiated but there will be a search for his replacement. Freda thanked Jimmy on behalf of the council members. Jimmy then spoke about the need for the council to be more inclusive and diverse as well as “being seen in the community”.

A discussion was held about Jimmy’s position being filled.

The “listening”event went well and was very informative. Members who participated gave their views on the event. Students in attendance stated that they wanted more “hard-hitting” news and coverage of issues affecting students and Athens. They are concerned about housing issues and affordability. Students also stated they wanted more investigative journalism.

Several members suggested the possibility of partnering with radio station WXAG—The Light @ 1470 FM to get more information out to the African-American community.

The next tabling event will be at the Athens main library on Sunday, February 25 @ 3pm for author and local Athenian Michael Thurmond, who will discuss the release of his new book, “James Oglethorpe: Father of Georgia”. Erin and Valerie volunteered to work this event.

New Business
The council members want to celebrate and recognize Jimmy’s service. Freda will contact Cathy for assistance. Former members of the council will be invited to participate


1. Motion was made and voted upon to adjourn.

2. Next meeting will be held May 2, 2024. Location will be announced.

Minutes of 2023 Council Meetings:
Minutes of WUGA Community Advisory Council
December 7, 2023. Noon. Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Magnolia Room

Council Members Present: Ford Ballentyne, Valerie Bell, Gary Bertsch, Freda Scott Giles, Beth Kindamo, J. Merritt Melancon, Simone Moonsammy, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Erin Thompson Podvin, Fred Smith, Jim Smith, Madeline Van Dyk, Emma Auer (student liaison).

Council Members Not Present: Sheila Devaney, Peggy Galis, Knowa Johnson, Maritza Soto Keen, Life LaRoche, David Lee, Annice Ritter, Sara Shahriari.

WUGA Hosts & Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Daniel McDonald-Director of Operations, Alexia Ridley-News Anchor, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager, Colin Vereen-Operations Assistant., and Lois Player and Monty Green—Underwriting Representatives.

Call to Order and Welcome: Fred Smith, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.

Approved: The minutes of the September 7, 2023 meeting.

Opening Remarks—Fred Smith

Chair Fred welcomed and extended Holiday greetings to everyone for the final 2023 meeting of the Community Advisory Council.

Nominating Committee Report:

He then thanked Sylvia Pannell for serving as Chair of the 2023 Nominating Committee and called on Sylvia to give the Nominating Committee Report.

Sylvia thanked the committee comprised of Valerie Bell, David Bell, Jimmy Sanders, and Cathy Bradberry.

She thanked Cathy who prepared and aired an invitation to interested listeners to submit self-nominations.

She announced that there were six (6) responses to that invitation—all of whom were very interesting candidates.

She observed that as a truly mixed blessing, our on-air announcement regarding openings on the Council garnered more interest than slots available.

The committee recommended most of the candidates from among those listeners. The only exception was a nominee from the committee.

Further, the committee submitted a nomination for the 2024 Chair—Freda Scott Giles and a nomination for Vice-Chair-David Lee. Both, I’m pleased to report, have agreed, if elected, to assume those posts

The nominees are:

For Chair in 2024 – Freda Scott Giles

For Vice Chair in 2024 – David Lee

Nominated for second 3-year terms – Fred Smith and Simone Moonsammy

 Nominees for their first term on the Council are:

LaTrena Artist

Rick Waters

Jef Whatley

Marilyn Vickers

Information provided by these nominees was included in the written Report of the Nominating Committee circulated to Members prior to the meeting.

The Motion to accept the Nominations Slate came to the Council from the Nominating Committee and did not require a second. Hearing no discussion Sylvia called for a vote on the slate as presented which passed unanimously.

General Manager Briefing

Jimmy Sanders gave his report, introducing the staff members present, including the station’s Underwriting Representatives, Lois Player and Monty Green. Jimmy also announced we have a new on-air staff member, Havivah Saltz, a recent graduate of Oberlin College. He also introduced our new CAC student liaison, Emma Auer, who is a fourth year student at UGA and a Producer on Athens News Matters.

Jimmy noted that WUGA has had a good year, it’s 36th year of operation. The station won two Gabby awards in 2023, for Journalism. He also noted the station is using a 2022 grant of $156,000 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, to help finance a back-up generator for the station, a replacement of the current automation system, and a new generator for the Oglethorpe County main transmitter. The cost of these infrastructure improvements exceeded expectations, and the station has undertaken two fund-raising campaigns to raise the additional funds needed. One campaign occurred in the summer of 2023 raising $13,400, and the second is ongoing as the Year End Donation campaign.

Cathy Bradberry described the fund-raising efforts for the Oglethorpe County Generator project, noting that the End of Year donation request letter went to 139,000 email addresses. She said the letter has so far raised $8,300 for a combined total of approximately $21,000 toward the $59,000 needed for purchasing the generator at the Oglethorpe County transmitted site.

Jimmy then reported on the Public Relations study of WUGA conducted by David Clementson’s Capstone Class at UGA. At no cost to the Station, this group of journalism students interviewed 561 people and presented an action Plan to attract new listeners. The principal recommendations of the report were: 1. The value of using social media to reach more listeners; and 2. Community involvement to get WUGA’s name and programs out to more potential listeners in the community. Jimmy mentioned previous efforts in community involvement by the Community Advisory Council (Artists in Residence and Library programs), and encouraged members to bring forward other similar ideas and efforts.

Merritt Melancon noted that she had sent members an email about community events where the CAC could have a table promoting WUGA, and members were asked to review that email, suggest other similar events and volunteer to man the WUGA table at the events selected. Freda suggested we form a committee of the CAC members to lead this effort and asked for volunteers to serve on that committee.

Closing Remarks—Fred Smith

Chair Fred:

· Thanked Brian Carney, Knowa Johnson, Life La Roche and Sarah Shahriari, who are finishing their terms on the Council this year.

· Thanked all Council members for giving their time and careful attention to the Council.

· Entertained a question from Jim Smith about whether the CAC sponsorship of Athens News Matters would continue. Cathy Bradberry described the sponsorship ($3,000 for one year) and said its continuation would be appreciated. Each member decides what to contribute individually and the amounts contributed by each are known only by that member and Cathy. To make your contribution, please donate via the WUGA website or send a check to the WUGA at 1197 S Lumpkin St. Athens, GA 30602 made payable to the UGA Foundation with “WUGA-Athens News Matters” in the memo line.

· Asked Freda to set the dates of the 2024 meetings and Cathy to inform all members of those dates.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted, Jim Smith

Minutes of WUGA Community Advisory Council
Athens Clarke County Public Library
September 7, 2023.Noon.

Council Members Present: Gary Bertsch, Peggy Galis, Freda Scott Giles, Maritza Soto Keen, Beth O’Shea Kindamo, J. Merritt Melancon, Simone V. Moonsammy, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Erin Thompson Podvin, Fred Smith, Jim Smith, Madeline Van Dyke.

Council Members Not Present: Ford Ballantyne, Valerie Bell, Brian Carney, Sheila Devaney, Knowa Johnson, Lemuel (Life) LaRoche, David Lee, Diane Riley, Annice Ritter, Sara Shahiari.

WUGA Hosts & Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Daniel McDonald,-Director of Operations , Jimmy Sanders-General Manager.

Call to Order and Welcome: Fred Smith, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:08 PM.

Approved: The minutes of the February 9, 2023 meeting, with corrections noted by Sylvia Pannell.

Opening Remarks—Fred Smith

• Welcomed everyone to the second 2023 meeting of the WUGA Community Advisory Council.

• Thanked the Council members for their service and attendance.

Finance/Infrastructure Report

Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager commented that WUGA underwriting and donation revenues have been pretty good in 2023. Also, WUGA received a bequest from the estate of former Council member Roger Swagler, and the proceeds of that bequest have been folded into the station’s other receipts. This will enable completion of the installation of a new generator and electrical upgrades at WUGA’s main station and the new generator in Oglethorpe County. Automation Software has been approved and the PO has been issues by UGA Procurement which is now negotiating contracts with the vendor. We project that software installation to happen in 2024. In short, Ms. Bradberry said the budget for 2023 is looking good.

General Manager Report:

Jimmy Sanders introduced WUGA’s new Director of Operations, Daniel McDonald and asked him to describe his background for the Council. Mr. McDonald thanked Mr. Sanders and noted that he was previously manager and sole employee of the Milledgeville public radio station, WRGC. In addition, he was responsible for numerous other non-radio functions at Georgia College. He is glad to be back in Athens, where he was a journalism major at UGA, and able to focus on radio, his primary interest. Mr. Sanders noted that, as Director of Operations, Mr. McDonald supervises the station’s part-time staff.

Mr. Sanders then noted several other additions to the staff , including Laura Dua-Swartz, the station’s new afternoon host, and we thought Julianne Akers would continue on with us as producer for Athens News Matters, she informed us that she had taken a newspaper job in North Georgia.
He reported that the station has lost several part-time staffers to full time jobs in radio, and is looking to fill a part-time position as a producer of Athens News Matters and a part-time announcer who could cover weekends and holidays. He asked members of the Council to recommend persons they think might be interested in applying for those positions.

Mr. Sanders reported that WZTG , another FM station located in the mountains of Northeast Georgia, is broadcasting on the same frequency as WUGA, which is causing some interference with the station’s signal in the Danielsville area. After checking into it, it appears that station is legally entitled to use the frequency and that the interference is only in a few small areas.

On the subject of community involvement, the station is supporting the Athens in Harmony project headed by former Council member Pat Priest, and Alexia Ridley has been asked to serve as emcee of the Uncommon Valor program celebrating the integration of Clarke Central High School 50 years ago. Freda Grimes Giles noted that that program will take place at 4:00 pm September 17, 2023 at the Board of Education building on Prince Avenue.

As to partnerships with other parts of the UGA campus, Mr. Sanders noted that WUGA is working with the Capstone Class at the Grady School of Journalism. Students in that class will design a public relations campaign for the station. Merritt Melancon asked if the class could make a presentation to the Council reporting on their recommendations.

Mr. Sanders also reported on three podcasts that are being produced as partnerships between WUGA and units on campus, and a discussion ensued about how widely these podcasts are listened to, and how the Council could assist in promoting them. Freda Giles suggested someone from the station could teach an OLLI class on how to find and use Podcasts. That could be a joint project with the Library.

Old Business

As to the Council’s sponsorship of Athens News Matters, it was reported that the $3,000 needed to continue that sponsorship through the end of 2023 has been raised. Merritt Melancon suggested the station might qualify as a non-profit to receive money raised by the local breweries in their fund-raising events known as percentage nights.

Mr. Sanders noted the station also has a grant to hire a student to produce content for an underserved community in Oglethorpe County.

As to priorities, Gary Bertsch asked where the Council could be of more help to the station. Mr. Sanders asked Council members to refer good people to work for the station (such as Gary’s granddaughter, a former intern); bring to the attention of the station community projects WUGA can help publicize; and bring ideas and support for projects that increase the number and diversity of people in the community that WUGA can reach. In that regard, Merritt Melancon suggested that the station have a table at local festivals and farmers’ markets and other community events to promote listening to WUGA. These tables could be organized and staffed by volunteers from the Council. Chairman Smith indicated he would consider forming a committee to pursue this idea, and asked members to let him know if they were interested in serving on the committee or otherwise helping with the project.

New Business

There was a discussion of the cancellation by GPB of the program “Political Rewind”, which had become a 5-day a week hour-long program carried by WUGA. Mr. Sanders told the Council what he knew about the situation, and reported on a new program from GPB, called “Georgia in Play”, which would feature interviews with prominent figures in the state and would air once weekly on Fridays. It producer is Chase McGee, a former WUGA staffer and student liaison with the Council. Chase was also a producer of Political Rewind.

On other New Business, Freda Giles asked if there were ways WUGA could partner with WXAG on joint projects or programming. She also reminded Council Members of the upcoming Board of Education program “Uncommon Valor” featuring the 5 individuals who integrated Clarke Central High School 50 years ago (including Chairman Smith and Michael Thurmond); and a November 4, public reading of a play by Phyllis Eaton at the Fine arts building on the UGA campus.

Closing Remarks

Chairman Smith noted that the next meeting of the Council would be at noon on December 7, 2023 and at that meeting we would be electing new officers and members of the Council to fill the seats of members with expiring terms.

Adjourned: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Jim Smith

WUGA Community Advisory Council
February 9, 2023 -Noon
Georgia Center
Athens, GA

Council Members Present: Ford Ballantyne, Gary Bertsch, Sheila Devany, Freda
Scott Giles, Beth Kindamo, David Lee, Merritt Melancon, Annice Ritter, Fred Smith Sr., Jim Smith, Madeline Van Dyck.

WUGA Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry (Business Manager), Martin Matheny
(Program Director and Content Strategist), Alexia Ridley (News Anchor), Jimmy Sanders (General Manager), Michael Cardin (Operations Manager).

Chairman Fred Smith Sr. called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2023. The agenda was distributed before the meeting.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Freda Scott Giles volunteered to take this meeting’s minutes, a task that will be performed by a volunteer at each meeting. Jim Smith, Annice Ritter, and Madeline VanDyck have volunteered to take minutes.

The new and continuing council members introduced themselves. The WUGA staff introduced themselves.

Cathy Bradberry delivered the financial report:
2021 donations: $84,000
2022 donations: $64,000
There are plans for increased email appeals this year. Donations may be channeled through GPB, but donations given directly to WUGA support Athens News Matters. Though the main fund drive goes through GPB, WUGA sends out email and personal appeals. Dr. Lee stated that NPR is changing the structure of how funds are distributed and will pay more attention to assisting with local donations. Dr. Lee requested that we have a financial tutorial; we will be given one at the next meeting, along with a financial flow chart.

Funding does trickle down from GPB monthly sustainers, but less information on that is shared. Ms. Bradberry informed us that GPB gave WUGA $130,000 toward an infrastructure upgrade that includes an emergency generator at the main studio location. GPB maintains our transmitter in Oglethorpe County.

Revenue in underwriting dollars:
2021: $254,000
2022: $360,000

WUGA is working on finding new underwriters to support the operating budget, which pays part-time staff and supplies. The station is about to invest $50,000 toward new software. UGA students are involved with WUGA as interns and part-time staff.

Mr. Smith introduced the latest edition of the CAC orientation book and thanked Sylvia Pannell for instituting this collection of information for new council members.

The announcement was made that Michael Cardin is leaving the station and the assembly thanked him for his service.

Athens News Matters sponsorship: During the past two or three years the amount needed has been reduced from $5,000 to $2500. Two donations have already been made. Ms. Bradberry will keep us updated. $2000 more is needed. We can donate through the WUGA website or by sending a check.

Jimmy Sanders thanked the council for its support and distributed a flow chart of WUGA personnel. There will be a search for Operations Manager when Mr. Cardin leaves. There will also be a posting for Senior Content Producer. The station needs a part-time web coordinator. WUGA has proved an excellent training ground for interns and graduate assistants. Past interns and graduate assistants have gained full-time employment all over the United States.

The Community Advisory Council started about nine years ago. CAC helps with community engagement and outreach. WUGA provides public service announcements for community programs. From time to time, they also co-sponsor. Some current co-sponsorships include All About that Bass (Brought to them by Pat Priest). We are asked to keep the station posted on events and support WUGA through social media. Like the station on Facebook and follow it on Instagram. Download the WUGA app. The station releases a podcast every morning. Mr. Sanders also invited members to tour the station if they had not done so already.

Ms. Bradberry is starting an initiative, “Why I donate to WUGA.” She requests that we each send her a couple of lines that explain/expand on that statement.

Mr. Sanders informed us that the station’s website has been improved and is easier to use now.

Chairman Smith requested that we generate a list of priorities for the coming year. We should email ideas to him, the other council officers, Ms. Bradberry and Mr. Sanders.

A question was raised about the changes in Athens News Matters. Mr. Matheny explained that the program length has been reduced from one hour to a half hour. The panel has been placed on hiatus to reduce preparation strain on the small staff. Also, the same panelists appeared repeatedly; panelists are unpaid. The bulk of the station’s audience listens between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Athens News Matters will maintain its focus on local issues while All Things Considered covers broader territory. Athens News Matters is scheduled every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. and needs further promotion.

The station is pleased to announce a new podcast, Aquathread, hosted by Jenna Jambeck, who was awarded the McArthur Genius Grant for her work on the impact of plastic on our oceans. The program will feature women in STEM.

Chairman Smith stated that we would like to see and support more local content. There has been no listener survey since 2015, except for a small survey in 2020. Major surveys are costly and run by an outside firm. We need to collect data from our listenership. We need to pull in fringe listeners and have more community conversations. We need to stay engaged between meetings. We need more part-time staff invested in local issues.

Future meetings are scheduled for
May 4th
September 7th
December 7th
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Freda Scott Giles

Minutes of 2022 Council Meetings:

Minutes of WUGA Community Advisory Council

December 8, 2022. 11.30 AM. Georgia Center for Continuing Education

Council Members Present: Valerie Bell, Gary Bertsch, Peggy Galis, Freda Scott Giles, Ian Hardin, Maritza Soto Keen, J. Merritt Melancon, Simone Moonssammy, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Erin Thompson Podvin, Fred Smith, Jim Smith, Isabela Weiss (student liaison).
Council Members Not Present: Randall Abney, Courtney Adang, Brian Carney, Knowa Johnson, Lemuel (Life) LaRoche, Sara Shahiari.
WUGA Hosts & Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Martin Matheny-Program Director and Content Strategist, Alexia Ridley-News Anchor, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager, Colin Vereen-Operations Assistant, Neil Werfel-Chief Engineer.
Emeritus Members Present: Nancy McDuff and Pat Priest.

Call to Order and Welcome: Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Chair, called the meeting to order at 11:40 AM.
Approved: The minutes of the September 8, 2022 meeting.

Opening Remarks—Sylvia Pannell

• Welcomed and extended Holiday greetings to everyone for the fourth and final 2022 meeting of the WUGA Community Advisory Council.
· Noted that this is the first in person meeting since February 2020.
· Asked the current members of the Council present to stand and be recognized
· Asked the Emeritus members of the Council present, Nancy McDuff and Pat Priest, to stand and be welcomed and said we are delighted to have them with us.
· Asked the WUGA staff Members present to stand and be recognized.
· Extended a special welcome to Isabela Weiss, the incoming Student Liaison to the Council.

Nominating Committee Report:

Ian Hardin, Chair, gave the Report of the Nominating Committee, which included Ian, Freda Scott Giles and Erin Thompson Podvin with Jimmy Sanders, WUGA General Manager. The nominees are:
For Chair in 2023 – Fred Smith
For Vice Chair in 2023 – Freda Scott Giles
Nominated for second 3 year terms – Sylvia Hillyard Pannell and Jim Smith
Ian noted that we have a great group of people who self-nominated as new members after hearing Cathy Bradberry’s announcements on WUGA. The Committee enthusiastically indorses these for the 2026 class.

David Lee

Madeline Van Dyck

Ford Ballantyne

Beth Kindamo

Sheila Devaney

Annice Ritter

Information provided by these nominees had been included in the written Report of the Nominating Committee circulated to Members prior to the meeting.
Following Ian’s report, Chair Sylvia asked if there were any discussion concerning his report or the nominees presented. Freda Scott Giles provided some information about nominee Annice Ritter. Chair Sylvia then asked the members to vote by a show of hands, and the nominees were unanimously elected.

Invocation for Holiday Luncheon
Freda Scott Giles asked the blessing.

General Manager Briefing
Following lunch, Jimmy Sanders gave his report, thanking Nancy and Pat for attending the gathering and Cathy for arranging the luncheon. He noted that WUGA has had a good year, it’s 35th year of operation. He reviewed changes in the Staff, including the departure of Chris Shupe and the assumption of his duties by Martin Matheny, Program Director and Content Strategist. He called on Martin for a report on developments in programming and Martin mentioned the new podcast Athens Today, as an example of WUGA’s efforts to reach listeners through newer media channels. Jimmy noted that the station won two Gabby awards in 2022 and reviewed other personnel developments strengthening WUGA’s multi-platform strategy. He also noted a recent grant of $156,000 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which will finance a back-up generator for the station, and a plan to replace the current automation system, which will cost about $50,000.

Closing Remarks—Sylvia Pannell
Chair Sylvia:

· Thanked Randall Abney, Ian Hardin and Chase McGhee (the Council’s first Student Liaison), who are finishing their terms on the Council this year.
· Thanked all Council members for giving their time and careful attention to the Council.
· Thanked Jim Smith, faithful scribe, who delivered the minutes promptly after each meeting.
· Extended the whole hearted thanks of the Council to Jimmy Sanders and the whole WUGA staff who heroically and with ingenuity and resilience, quickly adjusted to the circumstances in which they found themselves with the pandemic. They kept the listening public tethered to the outside world via radio. We all relied heavily on them to keep us informed during those trying times.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM.
Respectfully Submitted, Jim Smith

Minutes of WUGA Community Advisory Council
September 8, 2022.Noon.ZOOM

Council Members Present: Valerie Bell, Gary Bertsch, Peggy Galis, Freda Scott Giles, Ian Hardin, Chase McGee (student liaison), Maritza Soto Keen, J. Merritt Melancon, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Erin Thompson Podvin, Diane Riley, Jim Smith.
Council Members Not Present: Randall Abney, Courtney Adang, Brian Carney, Knowa Johnson, Lemuel (Life) LaRoche, Simone Moonsammy, Sara Shahiari, Fred Smith.

WUGA Hosts & Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Michael Cardin- Operations/Production Director, Martin Matheny-Program Director and Content Strategist, Alexia Ridley-News Anchor, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager.

Call to Order and Welcome: Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:04 PM. Approved: The minutes of the May 5, 2022 meeting.
Opening Remarks—Sylvia Pannell
• Welcomed everyone to the third 2022 meeting of the WUGA Community Advisory Council.
• Congratulated WUGA for reaching 35 years of operation in August and noted the Swag campaign run by the station to commemorate that achievement.
• Thanked the Council for its generous financial support of its Athens News Matters sponsorship project. Cathy confirmed Council members had contributed enough to extend that sponsorship another six months.
• Reminded the Council that tours of the station are available and that she hopes to organize another this Fall.
• Called to the attention of the members a new feature on WUGA called Museum Minute.
• Congratulated Freda Giles on receiving the Georgia Museum of Art Volunteer of the Year Award.
• Congratulated Devon Zwald who joined GPB in June 2022 and serves the station as a Newscaster and Producer of Morning Edition.
• Congratulated Sofi Gratas who joined GPB in June 2022 and serves as a reporter in GPB’s Macon Studio.
• Congratulated WUGA on awards to be received at the Georgia Association of Broadcasters Awards on October 22nd. WUGA staff Alexia Ridley, Martin Matheny will receive awards as well as former staff members Chris Shupe and Megan Wahn.
Appointment of Nominating Committee:
Ian Hardin, Chair, Freda Scott Giles and Erin Thompson Podvin with Jimmy Sanders, WUGA General Manager constitute the 2022 Nominating Committee.
Student Liaison Report: Chase McGee, Student Liaison to the Council, reported on his recent activities. Chase thanked the Council for making him their first Student Liaison and confirmed it has been a good experience. He graduated from UGA in May and accepted a job offer from GPB. He is a Senior Producer of Political Rewind. Chase noted that his experience working with WUGA as a student intern had helped prepare him for his current responsibilities.

General Manager Report: Jimmy Sanders thanked the Council for its support and noted it is a pleasure for WUGA Staff to work with the best and brightest UGA students who serve as interns, such as Chase, Devon and Sofi, and it is good to see them moving on to productive roles as full-time professionals for GPB and other broadcasters. He reported these changes in staff assignments-- The new Program Director and Content Strategist is Martin Matheny, formerly Executive Producer at WUGA. The new Senior Content Producer is Robin Whetstone who previously served as part-time Assistant Producer-Reporter. Jimmy then commented on the station’s ongoing efforts to expand its social media activities to reach a younger audience who are not regular radio listeners. Nicole Jorden, a former student intern at WUGA, is now handling the station’s website and other social media outreach. WUGA has also recently launched a Morning Headlines feature that Martin Matheny is posting on the station’s website and Nicole is putting on Facebook.

Business Manager Report: Cathy Bradberry reported on the 35th anniversary swag sale, which raised approximately $1,000 for WUGA. Cathy noted that 35th anniversary tumblers had been sent to all members of the 1987 Club as a thank you. She asked for input from the Council regarding future thank you gifts for 1987 Club members. Cathy asked Council members who are involved in other non-profit organizations to let the station know how it can get involved with and assist those projects.

Program Director: Martin Matheny thanked the Council for its support of Athens News Matters. He noted that he was in New Orleans last week attending the annual conference of Program Directors for Public Radio and concluded that WUGA is doing pretty well in keeping up with public radio programming developments. Martin reported that the Morning Headlines project seems to have spiked an increase in usage of the web site.

Gary Bertsch commented on the importance of social media to reach a younger audience and noted we should look for Council members who are younger and more adept at social media usage.

New Business:
Chair Sylvia opened the floor to new business or announcements. Freda Scott Giles noted the recent death of Athens artist Art Rosenbaum and asked if WUGA had plans for programming honoring him. Martin said they are considering that and would report in Athens News Matters.

Valerie Bell mentioned two new projects at the Athens Clarke County Library: Get Library Carded, providing discounts from local businesses by showing them your Library Card during September, and an upcoming program on Banned Books. She also mentioned that you can register to vote at the Library and the Library is a polling place on election day.

Chair’s Closing Remarks: Chair Sylvia reminded Council members to like WUGA on Facebook and Instagram and pay careful attention to the WUGA website to stay abreast of activities and events occurring between meetings.

Future Meeting Date: Thursday, December 8, 2022 in person, we hope, with the location TBA. In past years the December meeting included a luncheon. Sylvia informally polled the council on whether they wish to hold the next meeting in person. Council members in attendance responded enthusiastically about the possibility of our December 8th meeting including lunch and inviting past members to participate.
Adjourned: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:58 PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Jim Smith

May 5, 2022.Noon.ZOOM

Council Members Present: Randall Abney, Gary Bertsch, Freda Scott Giles, Ian Hardin, Chase McGhee (student liaison), Maritza Soto Keen, J. Merritt Melancon, Simone Moonsammy, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Erin Thompson Podvin, Fred Smith, Jim Smith.

Council Members Not Present: Courtney Adang, Valerie Bell, Brian Carney, Peggy Galis, Knowa Johnson, Lemuel (Life) LaRoche, Diane, Riley, Sara Shahiari.

WUGA Hosts & Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Martin Matheny-Executive Producer, Alexia Ridley-News Anchor, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager, Devon Zwald-Assistant Producer

Call to Order and Welcome: Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.

Approved: The minutes of the February 3, 2022 meeting.

Opening Remarks—Sylvia Pannell

Sylvia welcomed everyone to the second 2022 meeting of the WUGA Community Advisory Council. She then called on Jimmy Sanders to introduce Devon Zwald to the Council. Jimmy noted that Devon had started working with WUGA last year from the Grady School of Journalism as a Graduate Assistant, and later as an Assistant Producer of Athens News Matters. He asked Devon to report to the Council on her experience working with WUGA.

Devon spoke eloquently about her work with the station. She learned a lot about audio journalism, and was able to work on a wide variety of projects. One example was “Sounds of the South”, an Athens News Matters program written by Megan Wahn and edited by Devon, which won the prestigious National Headliner Awards. She also covered several public events where she was able to interview public figures like Mayor Kelly Girtz, Governor Brian Kemp and Candidate for Governor Stacey Abrams. Devon developed a passion for broadcast journalism and is now moving on to a job with GPB as local producer on Morning Edition. She thanked WUGA and the Council for making possible the experiences she has had.

Cathy Bradberry noted that WUGA is proud to be a training ground for Devon and other UGA students who have worked with the Station. She pointed out that WUGA was able to hire Devon after graduation because of the financial support provided by the Community Advisory Council’s sponsorship of Athens News Matters. That sponsorship costs $5,000 for a six-month period, and the current period will expire at the end of May, so members will be asked soon to contribute again to the sponsorship for the next six month period. The Council’s sponsorship is mentioned on air at the beginning of each Athens News Matters broadcast. All members are encouraged to contribute, but only Cathy knows who contributes and the amounts each member contributed.

Sylvia thanked Devon and Cathy for their report and thanked the Council members in advance for their contributions to the next ANM sponsorship.

Sylvia then requested that the Council Members present, because we have had such limited contact with one another, reintroduce themselves and tell briefly what about WUGA most interests them and if they are working on any community projects WUGA could get involved with.

Following the reintroductions, Sylvia reported the she and Vice-Chair Fred Smith had participated with several of the new Council members in a tour of the WUGA station. It was interesting and informative, and she highly recommended that other Council members do the same. Sylvia also congratulated WUGA for its fine, extensive and responsible coverage of the up-coming local elections, including interviews with candidates for Mayor and the City/County Commissioners. Finally, she noted the departure from WUGA of Program Director and Morning Edition host Chris Shupe, who will be missed by all, and congratulated Martin Matheny on the smooth transition to hosting Morning Edition. A new Program Director will be named in a few weeks.

Future Meeting Dates:

Sylvia noted the dates of the remaining 2022 Council Meetings, as follows: September 8 and December 8. Each of these meetings is on a Thursday and will begin at noon. Whether the meetings will be in person or by Zoom will be determined and communicated to all closer to the time of the meeting.

Reports from WUGA Staff:

Jimmy Sanders, General Manager, reported that in addition to Devon Zwald, UGA graduate Sofi Gratas who has been working part-time for WUGA, is taking a full-time job with GPB. Jimmy noted the station is looking for more part-time help to fill these vacancies. He also described the staffing changes made necessary by Chris Shupe’s departure, including Martin Matheny taking over as Morning Edition host and Robin Whetstone as All Things Considered host. Chris was also Program Director, and Cathy Bradberry and Alexia Ridley have been appointed to a search committee to find and recruit a new Program Director for the station. Jimmy also reported that Alexia interviewed Mary Frances Early last month at the Athens Clarke County Library, and WUGA recorded the event.

Martin Matheny, Executive Producer, gave more information about the “Sounds of the South” program, mentioned by Devon Zwald, and the National Headliner Awards “Best in Show” and “Best Radio Documentary” won by WUGA for the program. The National Headliners are one of the nation's oldest awards for journalistic excellence. Judges’ comments: “Understanding why we speak as we do is more than skin deep. WUGA explores the fascinating reasons many African American and White Southerners practice vernacular overlap, causing them to sound so much alike you can't distinguish who's speaking.” Martin also described WUGA’s extensive coverage of this month’s local elections in Athens, including interviews with all of the candidates, and plans to provide election night coverage May 24 and comparable coverage for any run-offs and for the general elections in November.

Sylvia complimented WUGA’s very impressive job covering local news and events, and reminded Council members that our job is to help the station know what’s going on in the community.

Cathy Bradberry, Business Manager, reported that April billings for underwriting set a new monthly record by exceeding $30,000. She noted that the station now has two sales agents, Lois Player and Monty Green, and that plus Cathy’s improvements in customer service have proved a winning combination. She solicited ideas from Council members for an award this year for the members of the

1987 Club (donors of $19.87 per month, or $240 per year). Last year they received tickets to a UGA Performing Arts concert.


Sylvia recognized Freda Scott Giles who announced that on May 21 there will be a symposium called “Tell the Whole Story”, about the history of slavery at UGA. There will be programs in the morning at Brooklyn Cemetery and in the afternoon at the Morton Theater.

Ian mentioned that Jimmy Sanders will be speaking soon about public radio and WUGA to the Emeriti Scholars group. Jimmy encouraged others to schedule the WUGA “dog and pony” show for other community groups.

Fred reminded members that Athens’ Day of Jubilee (when the slaves were freed on June 4, 1865) was celebrated on the day before this meeting with the laying of a wreath at Baldwin Hall and dancing in the streets at City Hall.

New Business

There was no new business brought before the meeting.

Closing Remarks

Sylvia expressed the appreciation of the Council for Chris Shupe’s many, successful and influential years of service to WUGA and its listeners.

She then noted that according to the minutes of the December 8, 2020 Community Advisory Council meeting, outgoing Council Member Grady Thrasher proposed that when it is once again possible to meet face to face, that we have a reunion meeting to celebrate. She hoped that might happen during her tenure as president.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jim Smith

Minutes of WUGA Community Advisory Council

February 3, 2022•Noon•ZOOM

Council Members Present: Valerie Bell, Gary Bertsch, Brian Carney, Peggy Galis, Freda Scott Giles, Ian Hardin, Maritza Soto Keen, J. Merritt Melancon, Simone Moonsammy, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Diane Riley, Fred Smith, Jim Smith.

Council Members Not Present: Randall Abney, Courtney Adang, Knowa Johnson, Lemuel (Life) LaRoche, Erin Thompson Podvin, Sara Shahriari.

WUGA Hosts & Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Michael Cardin-Operations Production Director, Martin Matheny-Executive Producer, Alexia Ridley-News Anchor, Chris Shupe-Program Director, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager, Neil Werfel-Chief Engineer.

Call to Order and Welcome: Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.

Approved: The minutes of the December 8, 2021 meeting.

Opening remarks-Sylvia Pannell, Chair:

Sylvia welcomed to the first 2022 WUGA Community Advisory Council meeting our five new Council members and Chase McGee, the Council’s first student liaison. Chase is a Senior at the University of Georgia and a former intern at WUGA.

She asked for brief introductions from each person present, noting that bios had been sent out prior to the meeting.

Future Meeting Dates:

Following the introductions, Sylvia noted the dates of the remaining 2022 Council meetings, as follows: May 5, September 8, December 8.

Each of these meetings is on a Thursday and will begin at noon. Whether the meetings will be in person or via Zoom will be determined and communicated to all closer to the time of the meeting.

Review of 2021 Activities and Initiatives:

Athens News Matters, Community Advisory Council Sponsorship

Sylvia reported that the Council’s sponsorship of Athens News Matters, at a cost of $5000 for a six-month period, pays for part-time staff to support the show. The Council had previously voted to undertake this sponsorship because of the success of the program and the need to add part-time staff to support its expanded format. She explained that Council members have recently donated enough to sponsor the program through May, 2022. Sylvia congratulated Martin Matheny, the Executive Producer, and Alexis Ridley and Chris Shupe, the on-air presenters, for their outstanding work on the program. Cathy Bradberry noted that the sponsorship generates good publicity for the Council, as the Council’s sponsorship is announced at the beginning of each program and a brief description of the Council is included. Martin introduced some of the part-time staff working on the upcoming Athens News Matters program whose compensation is funded by the members’ donations. Sylvia noted that members will be asked to contribute again in the next few months to extend the sponsorship beyond its current May expiration, and Cathy explained that no specific amount is requested—each member gives what is right for that person, and only Cathy knows the individual amounts contributed.

One Book Athens

Valerie Bell, Executive Director of the Athens Regional Library System, noted that WUGA was one of the sponsors for this program, which was a discussion at the Athens Library of the book “Stamped” by its authors Jason Reynolds, Ibram X. Kendi and Rachelle Baker. The program was edited and presented on air by WUGA.

Jimmy Sanders thanked Valerie for her work on the program and noted this is the type of community involvement WUGA is looking for.

KPTV8 Marketing Campaign

Jimmy described this marketing campaign, financed by underwriting revenues and donations to WUGA. The campaign is designed to increase the station’s audience, particularly among younger people. The campaign uses social media, billboards, bus signs and ads in Flagpole and Red & Black to promote the station with the theme “Listen”. Members were shown examples of the advertising on the station’s Instagram page.

WUGA Grady College of Journalism Partnership

Chris Shupe noted that WUGA has partnered with numerous departments at the University to present programs and provide educational opportunities for students. This partnership with Grady College involves journalism students conducting interviews with student athletes, coaches and others to tell “human interest” stories behind the scenes of the actual athletic events. A Grady College professor, Dr. Vicki Michaelis, grades the students on their performance, and Chris edits each program down to five minutes and presents it on air on WUGA as “The Other Side of the G”. These programs have won several awards, and Chris encouraged members to listen to them on the station’s web-site at

Collaboration with Hodgson School of Music

Cathy Bradberry reported on this effort, which was initiated by Kent Middleton, former member and Chair of the Community Advisory Council. In exchange for on-air messages about performances at the Hodgson Hall Performing Arts Center, the Hodgson School sent complimentary tickets to members of the WUGA 1987 Club (persons who donate $19.87 per month, or $240 per year, to WUGA).

Mueller Report

Jimmy Sanders, in a “Sales Pitch” to Council members, described how Valerie Bell and other council members had staged a series of discussions at the Athens Library of the Mueller Report on Foreign Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. WUGA publicized these discussions with on-air announcements of each meeting. Another example of Council member inspired community involvement was the Artist in Residence program initiated by former member Pat Priest, which provided tours of the homes of local artists. Jimmy noted that, with only seven full-time staff members, WUGA needs the help of the Council to fulfill its objectives for community involvement. If a Council member is working on a community project, Jimmy encouraged us to get WUGA involved to make it bigger and better.

Report from WUGA Staff:

Martin Matheny described the coverage priorities for WUGA and Athens News Matters for the next six to twelve months, including: Redistricting of city/county commissioner districts, Clarke County School Board issues, Athens/Clarke County Commissioners issues, Georgia State house and senate actions and the upcoming 2022 primaries and elections. Martin noted there is a lot going on and WUGA will be covering all of it.

New Business:

Sylvia asked if there were any new business for the meeting. Freda Scott Giles noted that Juneteenth (June 19, 1865), when the slaves in Texas finally learned that slavery had ended, is now a National Holiday. She and others in Athens are working on a calendar of events to celebrate the holiday this year.

Fred Smith noted that slaves in Georgia were notified of their freedom in May 1865 by armed Union soldiers. That event is celebrated as Athens Day of Jubilee.

Closing Remarks:

Sylvia thanked the staff for the great work it is doing and for their participation in the Council meeting. With all staff members present, she wondered how WUGA’s 24/7 “show is going on”.

She also thanked the Council members for their participation and support of WUGA, and encouraged each member to visit the WUGA studios in the Continuing Education Building on campus to get a tour of the station’s facilities.

There being no further questions or comments from Council members, the meeting was adjourned at 1:01 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Jim Smith

Dates for remaining 2022 CAC Meetings: May 5, September 8 and December 8. Meetings will be held via Zoom unless noted.

Minutes of 2021 Council Meetings:

Minutes of WUGA Community Advisory Council  December 8, 2021•Noon•ZOOM

Council Members Present: Randall Abney, Valerie Bell, Brian Carney, Ian Hardin, Knowa Johnson, Kent Middleton, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Diane Riley, Erin Thompson Podvin, Sara Shahriari, Fred Smith, Jim Smith

Council Members Not Present: Timothy Adams, Jr., Courtney Adang, Krystle Cobran, David Griffin, Lemuel (Life) LaRoche, Simone Moonsammy

WUGA Hosts & Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Michael Cardin-Operations Production Director, Martin Matheny-Executive Producer, Alexia Ridley-News Anchor, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager

Call to Order and Welcome: Ian Hardin, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.

Approved: The minutes of the September 16, 2021 meeting.

Opening remarks-Ian Hardin, Chair: Ian welcomed members to the final 2021 WUGA Community Advisory Council meeting.

Ian congratulated WUGA on winning the following Georgia Association of Broadcasters Gabby Awards: Gabby First Place: Best Sports Program: "Ice Dawgs Goaltender Emily Barber" produced by John Slights and Martin Matheny, Gabby Merit Award: (Best Pandemic Coverage) "Pandemic in Athens" produced by the Athens News Matters team: Martin Matheny- Executive Producer, Chris Shupe and Alexia Ridley, hosts, and Gabby Merit Award: (Best Program Non-news or sports) "The Guest List-Halloween Spooktacular". Chris Shupe-Producer/host, Gabe Vodicka, Molly Williams, and Jordan Stepp panelists.

He also congratulated council member Fred Smith who recently won The Association for the Study of African American Life and History’s 2021 Council Award for Special Recognition for his community work, including executive director of the East Athens Development Corporation, a nonprofit that supports impoverished individuals and families.

Ian reported that the council’s sponsorship of Athens News Matters at a cost of $5000.00 for a six-month period pays for a part time producer for the show. The current sponsorship period is about to run out and that the council will soon be asked to consider donations to cover future programing.

He thanked the Nominating Committee and turned the floor over to Kent Middleton, chair. The nominaees will replace longtime and valued council members Kent Middleton, Timothy Adams, and Larry Dendy who retired from the council upon moving away.

Report from Nominating Committee: Kent Middleton, Chair, Valerie Bell, & Jim Smith

Approved: Motion to amend the WUGA the Community Advisory Council charter to allow up to 21, but no fewer than 15, voting members. Approved: Motion to elect 2022 Chair, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell; Vice Chair, Fred Smith. Approved: Motion to elect to a second three-year term: Valerie Bell, Krystle Cobran. Approved: Motion to elect to new three-year terms: Gary Bertsch, Peggy Galis, Freda Scott Giles, Maritza Soto Keen, J. Merritt Melancon. Approved: Motion to appoint Chase McGee to a one-year term on the Community Advisory Council as non-voting student liaison.

Michael Cardin, WUGA Operations/Production Manager has worked closely with Chase McGee and offered strong support for this choice.

Reports from WUGA Staff:

Cathy Bradberry, Business Manager:

Cathy’s report was very upbeat. She reported that the recently distributed solicitation letter has, to date, garnered $2000.00 and that she expects that number to increase as we approach years end. Underwriting has produced $250,000 and November 2021 was 25% ahead of November 2020.

Jimmy Sanders, General Manager:

Jimmy explained that WUGA, GPB, and NPR are not reaching younger audiences to the extent that is desirable. In an effort to bolster listening among that demography the station has employed the services Kaptive8, a local ad agency we have contracted to help develop a marketing campaign for station. Elements include social media (Instagram) and billboards, bus ads and digital ads in Flagpole and Red and Black. The station is approaching the end of phase 2 on this effort to increase listenership, app, and website usage.

Jimmy reminds us that all of WUGAs programing is available any time after it is broadcast on the WUGA website and the WUGA app and once again he encouraged each council member to download the app on our mobile devices and “like” WUGA on Facebook & Instagram.

He further reminded us that our role as members of the Community Advisory Council is to help WUGA, GPB and the University of Georgia meet the goals of distributing high quality programs and services that educate, inform and entertain audiences and enrich the quality of their lives. The council is encouraged to provide active input regarding community needs and opportunities. That input can lead to community service events and special programming. The council is also needed to assist in fundraising and other opportunities for public outreach. Fundraising is critical to support the growth of local journalism.

Thank you Kent! In closing, the entire group gave heartfelt thanks to Kent Middleton for his outstanding contributions and leadership to the council over these many years.

There being no further questions or comments from the council members, the meeting was adjourned at 12:48 PM

Minutes of WUGA Community Advisory Council

September 16, 2021•Noon•ZOOM

Council Members Present: Valerie Bell, Brian Carney, Ian Hardin (Chair), Kent Middleton, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Erin Thompson Podvin, Diane Riley, Fred Smith, and Jim Smith.

Council Members Not Present: Courtney Adang, Randall Abney, Timothy Adams, Krystal Cobran, David Griffin, Knowa Johnson, Lemuel LaRoche, Simone Moonsammy, Sara Shahriari.

WUGA Staff Present: Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Michael Cardin-Operations Production Director, Martin Matheny-Executive Producer, Kara Grace Nelson-Graduate Assistant, Alexia RidleyNews Anchor, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager, Chris Shupe-Program Director.

Call to Order and Welcome: Ian Hardin, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the May 5, 2021 meeting were approved.

Opening remarks-Ian Hardin, Chair:

Ian welcomed members to the third 2021 WUGA Community Advisory Council meeting. The next meeting is Wednesday, December 8th at noon – location TBA.
Reports from WUGA Staff:

Cathy Bradberry, Business Manager, reported that WUGA is fiscally healthy with finances ahead of this time last year. She reported that a recent email drive in support of locally produced news programing accrued $1700.00 in donations. She announced a recent contractual agreement with Underwriting Sales Representative, Monty Greene.

Jimmy Sanders, General Manager, reminds us that several WUGA produced and very well received programs are available on the WUGA website (and he, once again, encouraged each council member to download WUGA the app on our mobile devices and “like” WUGA on Facebook & Instagram).

Among the programs that he brought to our attention are:

One Book Athens-

Sounds of the South-

Recent PSAs have been produced and are being aired featuring popular Athens personalities Michael Stipe and Fred Smith encouraging the listeners to get vaccinated.

Jimmy Sanders introduced and welcomed Kara Grace Nelson who is serving the station in the capacity of Graduate Assistant from the Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communications.

Martin Matheny, Executive Producer, announced, in the spirit of the educational mission of the station, that two assistant producers have gone on to some excellent jobs. The departure of Jessica Wurst who is now a producer for Newsy, and Meghan Wahn now with Fellowship Insider, have left them both pleased for their colleagues and short-handed.

Report on WUGA & the UGA School of Music Collaboration: Kent Middleton & Jimmy Sanders: It was noted that WUGA has had an ongoing and robust collaboration with UGA’s Hodgson School of Music. Most recently a perk for 1987 Club members has become available in the form of 100 vouchers providing admission to UGA Symphony, Opera, etc. performances that will be sent to members to thank them for continued support. WUGA now has a classical music intern from the Hodgson School of Music.

Report on East Athens Development Corporation: Fred Smith, Executive Director:

Fred Smith, Executive Director of the East Athens Development Corporation and a fellow member of our WUGA Community Advisory Council gave us a briefing on the activities of his organization and indeed it is extremely active. The philanthropic corporation serves East Athens (and beyond) in a myriad ways and can best be described and understood by a visit to their website:

Learn more about our impressive colleague Fred Smith here:

2022 Nominations Committee Report: Chair, Kent Middleton, Members Valerie Bell & Jim Smith: The Nominations Committee is encouraging nominations from the council members for four upcoming council vacancies. They may be reached as follows:




The committee will deliver a slate of nominees and call for a vote at the Council’s December 8, 2021 meeting.

There being no further questions or comments from the Council members, the meeting was adjourned at 1:03 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell


Minutes of WUGA Community Advisory Council-

Time: May 5, 2021 12:05 PM Zoom Meeting

Council Members Present: Courtney Adang, Brian Carney, Larry Dendy, Ian Hardin (Chair), Krystal Cobran, Lemuel LaRoche, Kent Middleton, Erin Thompson Podvin, Diane Riley, Fred Smith, Jim Smith, . Council Members Not Present: Randall Abney, Timothy Adams, Valerie Bell, David Griffin, Knowa Johnson, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, Sara Shahriari WUGA Staff Present: Alexia Ridley-News Anchor, Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Michael Cardin-Operations Production Director, Martin Matheny-Executive Producer, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager, Chris Shupe-Program Director, Robin Whetstone-Announcer

Call to Order and Welcome: Ian Hardin, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the Feb 4, 2021 meeting were approved.

Opening remarks-Ian Hardin, Chair: Ian welcomed all members to the second 2021 WUGA Community Advisory Council meeting. Future 2021 meetings are: Sept 16, Wed, and Dec 8, Wed, at noon – Locations TBA Ian asked each member to say a few words about themselves and their backgrounds. He reminded the group that we had agreed at the Dec, 2020, meeting to raise $5000 to once again provide support funding for Athens News Matters (ANM). Our previous funding support ended in late April.

Reports from WUGA Staff: Martin Matheny explained that we have a big need for part-time based news reporting. Thanks to the CAC support we were able to have Megan Wahn and Jessica Wurst covering local government. The CAC support is critical and gives us an edge over other news outlets. Prospective interns should contact WUGA at 1197 South Lumpkin Street, Athens 30602.

Cathy Bradberry reported that donations are up. WUGA is advertising for a commission-based sales position.

Alexia mentioned that WUGA interviewed Valerie Bell on ANM about the “One Book Athens” project sponsored by the Athens Library.

Jimmy Sanders noted that prospective interns should email their interest to Jimmy talked about the Spring Newsletter. He thanked Cathy for her work and expressed appreciation to Larry Dendy for his assistance. He asked if our group had seen the WUGA marketing campaign (social media, billboards, digital ads, bus signs). He noted NPR's 50th anniversary and special programming, and reminded our member to download the WUGA mobile app. He also requested our council members to follow our social media, "like" and forward our posts.

Comments from CAC members: Fred Smith brought up the topic of WUGA’s coverage of our community’s families regarding education. Do we have resources to cover ACC public schools? Are there funds for summer school? Martin mentioned his concern about the short-term and long-term effects of COVID on our ACC students. Erin voiced concern for the equity of access issues in ACC. Fred offered to help I n engaging with the school community. Diane Riley asked about internet access. Alexia has a story of the WUGA website “Georgia Broadband Initiative”

Ian thanked all for Zooming in and expressed cautious optimism that our next meeting will be in person. The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 pm

Time: Feb 4, 2021 12:05 PM  Zoom Meeting

Council Members Present: Randal Abney, Courtney Adang, Valerie Bell, Brian Carney, Larry Dendy, Ian Hardin (Chair), Kent Middleton, Simone Moonsammy, Sylvia Hillyard Pannell (Vice Chair), Erin Thompson Polvin, Sara Shahriari, Jim Smith. Council Members Not Present: Timothy Adams, Krystle Cobran, David Griffin, Knowa Johnson, Lemuel LaRoche, Diane Riley, Fred Smith.

WUGA Staff Present: Alexia Ridley-News Anchor, Cathy Bradberry-Business Manager, Michael Cardin-Operations Production Director, Martin Matheny-Executive Producer, Jimmy Sanders-General Manager, Chris Shupe-Program Director, Jessica Wurst Assistant Producer/Reporter for Athens News Matters.

Call to Order and Welcome: Ian Hardin, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:05 PM.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the December 8, 2020 meeting were approved. Opening remarks-Ian Hardin, Chair:

Ian welcomed all members to the first 2021 WUGA Community Advisory Council meeting, introduced new members Larry Dendy, Lemuel LaRoche, Simone Moonsammy, Sara Shahriari, and Fred Smith (who was unable to join the meeting), and gave notice of future 2021 meetings as follows: Wednesday May 5, Thursday September 16, Wednesday December 8 – Location TBA Partnerships and Outreach Report-Valerie Bell and Kent Middleton: Valerie Bell brought to our attention four of the Library System’s initiatives: 1), 2) PINES Library Access for Youth (PLAY), 3) Mobile Hot Spot Van, and 4) Printing from Home. Further information on these can be found on the Athens Regional Library System website- The Social Justice Coalition, a cooperative project joining WUGA and the Library, is developing a program whose working title is “One Book Read for All of Athens.” Now endorsed by Athens Mayor Kelly Girtz, the book that has been selected is “Stamped-Racism, Antiracism and You,” by Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi. A subset of the Coalition will meet on Feb. 12 for further planning.

Kent Middleton—Reported on the status of Music School Tickets. WUGA might soon resume conversations with the Hodgson School of Music about acquiring free tickets to student musical productions for contributors to WUGA. In conversations in 2020, Sara Emery, development officer at the music school, told Jimmy, Cathy, and Kent that the school would like to give free tickets to WUGA donors when in-person student concerts and recitals resume following the pandemic. Emery also suggested creating WUGA-Hodgson music clubs.

Station Manager Report-Jimmy Sanders: Jimmy welcomed members new and old. He explained that the WUGA Community Advisory Council has done much to help connect the station to matters of interest in the Athens and its surroundings.

He introduced Jessica Wurst who, after graduating from UGA’s Grady College of Journalism, is. an assistant producer/reporter for Athens News Matters. Her employment as a WUGA part-time staff member is made possible by the donations from the Council's sponsorship of Athens News Matters.

Newsletter: The first WUGA newsletter was successfully distributed to donors and linked on the front page of the website- Jimmy encourages the committee to download the station’s mobile app. The app was named best in the state by the Georgia Association of Broadcasters.

He urged the Council members to spend time on the various social media outlets and to “like, follow, friend, etc.” WUGA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Further, he urges us to repost and/or forward WUGA’s posting on your sites and forward them to friends. The station has a strong presence on each. Local news is a featured on the mobile app.

The station doubled its live streaming capacity for users to 400. The doubling of the stream is due to growing demand for our content via digital devices.

Program Manager Report-Chris Shupe: Chris explained that WUGA operates with GPB in a unique partnership, under which the GPTC holds the station’s license and provides access to most nationally-distributed programs while UGA operates the station, provides a slate of programs specifically for the local audience including the University community, and broadcasts the GPB fundraising programing. Some national programs that were a part of WUGA’s regular scheduling were cancelled and alternate national programs were added over the last year and 1/2 as follows: 1) Travel with Rick Steves, Saturday Morning at 7AM, replaced It’s Only a Game which ceased production. 2) It’s Been a Minute w/Sam Sanders Saturday evening at 6PM, replaced the 1st hour of Live From Here which ceased production. 3) Live Wire w/Luke Burbank, replaced the second hour of Live From Here. 4) BBC Newshour weekdays at 9AM, replaced GPB's On Second Thought which ceased production. 5) We rearranged our weeknights at 9 PM schedule, adding additional airings of two of our most popular local music programs, Sound of Athens and New South Showcase. 6) We added How I Built This at 11AM Sunday replacing On Second Thought. All of these changes were made with very little addition to our programming costs. The staff remains enthusiastic and local programing is robust producing shows such as Athens News Matters, African Perspectives, High Cotton, New South Showcase, Night Music, Sound of Athens, The Rotation, and Wordland.

Business Managers Report -Cathy Bradberry: Donations: FY 2019: $42,345 FY 2020: $60,402 End of year letter accrued in FY 2020: $15,277 (which is average for our year end letter) The uptick in donations is attributed to our Covid-19 stories and response. We did a few email appeals in 2020 around Covid and political topics. Underwriting: FY 2019: $184,446 FY 2020: $221,722 Cathy is personally very proud about this increase having worked with clients directly most of the year to keep them on the air and brought on some new ones as well.

Marketing Campaign: Arrangements are in place with Kaptiv8 in Athens to create a fully involved awareness campaign that will include social media posts, billboards, bus tails, and print ads to raise awareness of the station. This will start in March. StoryCorps Project:

WUGA has applied for a grant from StoryCorps to work with their One Small Step Communities project. This project puts two people together (mostly on Zoom calls) with very different viewpoints (political, etc.) to talk about their opinions and to show that we're not all that different from each other. She will know in the next couple of weeks if we've been chosen for the project.

Sponsorship Project: There is ongoing discussion of offering to the public the opportunity to sponsor some WUGA programs. The decision was made to limit sponsorship of programs to those that we pay for directly rather than the programs GPB cover for us. These sponsorships have not yet been offered to the community at large yet

. Last year the Community Advisory Committee pooled resources and provided sponsorship of Athens News Matters from 10/30/20 to 4/25/21.

There being no unfinished business, the meeting adjourned at 12:58 PM Respectfully Submitted- Sylvia Hillyard Pannell, WUGA Community Council Vice-Chair