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Athens Symphony Hosts Virtual Christmas Concert

Athens Symphony

COVID-19 may have stopped in-person performances this year, but the Athens Symphony is still putting on a holiday show. The symphony is hosting a virtual Christmas concert.

Susan Dinwiddie is conductor of the Athens Symphony.

“Now, it’s not the two-hour concert like we do on the stage, but we did a total of four pieces and we were very pleased and very thankful for so many of our musicians that participated,” Dinwiddie said.

In spite of challenges caused by the worldwide pandemic, Dinwiddie says the Symphony will continue its mission of bringing Athens and the surrounding communities together through music.

“We felt like we needed it, the community needed it, we needed to perform if for the community and it gave our musicians a way to perform; not the way we would want to, but it got us together virtually.”

The free event can be enjoyed from the comfort of home by visiting the Symphony’s Facebook page, YouTube channel, or website.

The nonprofit organization consists of all unpaid volunteers and all concerts are free of charge.

“We have done several, and are continuing to do, tiny space concerts.”

There are some advantages to virtual concerts.

“Everyone gets a ticket without event standing in line. So many people are used to coming early and standing in line outside the Classic Center to get their tickets and then we have to turn away people.”

The Athens Symphony was founded in 1978.

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