Rep. Houston Gaines is taking on more responsibilities at the State Capitol. Gaines has been named Vice Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education.
“I’m really excited about the new role and feel like it's a great opportunity for our area because, as we all know, the Athens area is impacted by higher education more than any other place in the state with the University of Georgia, Athens Tech, UNG Oconee, and other institutions of higher education. I'm really excited. I feel like it's very good for our community and ultimately I believe it'll allow us to continually deliver success for Athens, for the University of Georgia.”
The committee helps draft budgets, specifically for items related to higher education. It also hears legislation regarding state spending when dealing with the University System of Georgia, universities, colleges, post-secondary education, and financial aid.
“You know I look back at what we've been able to accomplish over our first two years in terms of higher education, and we delivered in a big way, expanding the medical partnership in Athens, funding for UGA and Athens Tech projects, but we have more work to do.”
Gaines also serves on several other committees, including the Health and Human Services Committee and the Juvenile Justice Committee. Gaines represents District 117, which covers portions of Clarke, Barrow, Jackson, and Oconee counties.