From traffic patterns to housing development, Athens-Clarke County residents can voice their opinion on how the community grows over the next decade.
Every ten years, local governments across Georgia are required by law to revisit their comprehensive plans, documents which guide community development. By 2028, Athens-Clarke County needs to have its updated plan in place, including its future land use map.
Marc Beechuk is Athens-Clarke County’s Comprehensive Planning Coordinator. He says the map will guide the city’s future zoning decisions.
“It’s all about putting people closer to jobs, schools, daily needs, grocery stores, amenities, all those spaces in a community people can get to without having to traverse across town,” he says.
The map will come into practice during rezoning discussions led by the county commission and is a community effort. Beechuk says the planning department has led more than thirty public discussions over the past several months.
“That’s been very positive. In terms of the actual input it’s been all over the spectrum, a lot of people talking about wanting to be closer to those activities. But we do have people who want to retain what we have, so we have to talk to those folks and get them to understand how some of the change we’re looking to make are best for the financial viability of Athens-Clarke County,” Beechuk added.
The county government is seeking public input in an online survey through the end of April. To access the survey, visit the Athens-Clarke County Future Land Use Map.