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The eye of the storm: virtual reality tool helps people prepare for hurricanes

Hurricane season is upon us, and the Southeast is bracing for a busy season of severe storms. Grace Ahn, a professor in UGA’s Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, has spent the past several years developing federally funded virtual reality technology that lets coastal residents experience the life-threatening devastation caused by hurricanes and other severe weather.

Her goal: convince these residents to be ready for a real storm surge before it strikes.

Professor Ahn talks about this technological breakthrough with WUGA’s Greg Trevor in the latest episode of our new series, “A Few Minutes With …” exploring UGA initiatives and their broad benefits to the state of Georgia and beyond.

Once this new app is developed, Ahn’s next initiative will be making it available to first responders and other local leaders, who can share this technology with the residents they serve.

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