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UGA Veterans Legal Clinic serves those who have served; advocating for veteran services and benefits

Soldiers from the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) place U.S. flags at headstones as part of Flags-In at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, May 21, 2020.
U.S. Army photo by Elizabeth Fraser / Arlington National Cemetery
Soldiers from the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) place U.S. flags at headstones as part of Flags-In at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, May 21, 2020.

It’s Memorial Day weekend, when our nation honors the members of our military who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It’s also a time to remember the millions of men and women who have served our nation in times of war and peace – many of whom face challenges obtaining the military benefits to which they are entitled.

Since 2018, the Veterans Legal Clinic at UGA has represented nearly 800 military families across the state of Georgia, securing more than $4 million in medical and financial benefits. As part of this clinic, UGA law students dedicate more than 5,500 hours of service to veterans and their families each year.

The clinic’s director, University of Georgia Law Professor Alexander Scherr, talks with WUGA’s Greg Trevor about the many ways the clinic makes life better for our state’s military veterans. It’s the latest episode of our new series, “A Few Minutes With …” exploring UGA initiatives and their broad benefits to the state of Georgia.

The clinic’s mission has a particular focus on Georgia’s most vulnerable veterans, including those who are homeless and who live in our state’s smaller rural communities.

The clinic will be accepting new clients at the beginning of the fall semester. If you are a veteran who lives in Georgia and needs assistance, you can contact the UGA Veterans Legal Clinic at 706-542-6439.

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