The Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood and platelet shortage. The organization says blood supplies have dropped to their lowest post-summer…
September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month and Black blood donors are urgently needed according to the American Red Cross. There is a critical need for…
During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month this September, the Red Cross is asking eligible doors to give blood or platelets to help kids, teens and young…
The American Red Cross is calling on eligible donors as the agency is facing an urgent need for blood donations. Spokesperson Ronnika McFall says as the…
The Red Cross is once again issuing a call for African-Americans to donate blood. The organization says they are critically needed to support sickle cell…
The Red Cross says African-American blood donors are critically needed to help patients battling Sickle Cell Anemia. Donor numbers have dropped by more…
The American Red Cross is strongly urging healthy, eligible donors who are feeling well to give blood now. Ronnika McFall is a spokesperson for the…
The American Red Cross is once again calling on all eligible blood donors to give blood. The organization says there is a critical need for blood donors…
The Red Cross is once again asking potential donors to roll up a sleeve and give blood. The agency is urging eligible donors of all types, but especially…
September 5 is National Blood Donation Day and Georgia Governor Brain Kemp is joining his counterparts across the country in issuing a proclamation of the…