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Episode 9: Chief Mermaid

Anna on social media: @annaoposa (Twitter) @annaoposa (Instagram)

Co-Hosts: Jenna Jambeck and Taylor Maddalene

Guest: Anna Oposa, Executive Director and Chief Mermaid of Save Philippine Seas

On this aquathread: what happens when you don’t go into a field your parents expect you to; how does musical theater lead to ocean conservation; how do you get the coveted title of “Chief Mermaid”’ and why countries in the Global South are leaders in reducing plastic pollution.

Links referenced:

  • Jambeck, J. R., Maddalene, T., Youngblood, K., Oposa, A., Perello, H., Werner, M., Himelboim, I., Romness, K., Mathis, J., Keisling, C., Brooks A. L., (In Review). The Circularity Assessment Protocol in Cities to Reduce Plastic Pollution.
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Regents Professor, 2022 MacArthur Fellow, Georgia Athletic Association Distinguished Professor in Environmental Engineering,<br/>New Materials Institute, Circularity Informatics Lab, College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Morgan Stanley Plastic Waste Resolution Senior Researcher<br/>Twitter: @JambeckResearch<br/>Instagram: jennajambeck