Athens-Clarke County Commissioners could vote Tuesday on a proposal to change how garbage is collected in downtown Athens.
ACC Solid Waste staff are recommending the creation of six eco-stations on Clayton Street. With the eco-stations in place, restaurant and bar owners would transport their garbage to one of the six sites, rather than leaving bags on the sidewalk for pickup. ACC staff says that the eco-stations would reduce the risk of injuries to trash collectors and pedestrians, and make downtown more visually appealing.
At a work session last month, Solid Waste Director Suki Janssen gave commissioners a description of what the eco-stations would look like - made of fabricated metal, and able to be stored or moved to different locations. Janssen also told commissioners that ACC Solid Waste is in discussions with the Athens Cultural Affairs Commission about adding a public art component to the stations.
The Clayton Street eco-stations are just the first part of a proposal that could eventually place them across downtown. Janssen estimated that 21 or 22 such stations could cover the city's central business district.
Commissioners will also be looking at additional proposals affecting downtown Athens, including one by Commissioners Tim Denson, Russell Edwards, and Melissa Link which would extend the College Square Outdoor Dining Pilot Program into a plan to close College Square to vehicle traffic permanently and turn it into a dedicated public space.