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Stacey Abrams Calls for Gas Tax Suspensions Through End of the Year

With gas prices hitting record highs, Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is calling on incumbent Governor Brian Kemp to suspend the state gas tax through the end of 2022.

“Georgians cannot afford for Brian Kemp to use the state gas tax as a political football when they are struggling to feed their families and keep their jobs.” Abrams said in a statement, criticizing Kemp’s refusal to fund school lunches during the summer and his administration’s delayed aid for affordable housing.

The gas tax halt has accumulated bipartisan support, yet democrats and republicans disagree on how long the break should last. Earlier this year, Kemp suspended the 29.1 cents-a-gallon tax on fuel through July 14, and as of Tuesday, Georgia gas prices reached a statewide average of $4.33 per gallon, which still sits below the national average of $4.92 per gallon.

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