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African Perspectives for November 21, 2021

This third episode in November focuses on the month-long anniversary celebration of African Perspectives with the sharing, twice, of the four featured questions for the AP @ 24 African music CD give away contest. In addition to news updates from Ethiopia and Sudan, the episode highlights the array of recent African focused activities by the UGA African Studies Institute. These include the 2021 African Studies Fall lecture given by Professor Adeoluwa Okunade, the 24th Southeast Model African Union (SEMAU) at Georgia College in Milledgeville where the UGA team won the Best Delegation Award, and the 7th International Conference on Africa and Its Diaspora (BICAID 2021) hosted by the African Studies Institute both virtually and in person at the Tate Students Center. As always, the episode featured selected enjoyable music from Africa and/or by Africans including selections from the collections, Voices of Africa and Women of Africa as well tracks from King Sunny Ade’s Seven Degrees North album.

November 21 Playlist

Album: Voices of Africa

Artistes: Various Artistes

Tracks: 1. Mono Muntu

2. Papa Yeye

3. Testament Ya Bowule

4. Miguel

Album: Women of Africa

Artistes: Various artistes

Tracks: 1. Bahia

2. Le Tshephile Mang

3. Mayihlome (Extra Track)

Album: Seven Degrees North

Artiste: King Sunny Ade

Tracks: 1) Ode Ma ti Pogidan Soko

2) Appreciation

3) Samba (Extra Track)