Nearly 12,500 students were due back in Clarke County schools today. Due to increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases, low vaccination rates among eligible…
New guidance from the federal government set off a cascade of mask rules across the nation as cities, states, schools and businesses raced to bring back…
Georgia’s largest school district has joined the growing ranks of those that will require students and employees to wear masks. Gwinnett County is the…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reversing course on some masking guidelines. The agency announced new recommendations Tuesday that even…
All Clarke County students will now have to wear masks once school starts. Effectively immediately, all staff students, and visitors on any Clarke County…
The CDC's announcement that vaccinated Americans can forgo masks in many situations caught many off guard and sparked some confusion. Dr. Travis Glenn…
The ACC Mayor and Commission held a Special Called Session and an Agenda Setting Session Tuesday night.Commissioners passed a resolution to require masks…
Even though most of our public activities are now unrestricted, we’re far from safe from the coronavirus. Social distancing is crucial, and so is wearing…