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ACC Mayor and Commission Tuesday meeting preview

  A virtual work session and special called session will take place tomorrow night, where presentations from SPLOST administrators and the ACC police department will inform the Mayor and Commission on items for future consideration.  


Athens-Clarke County Police Department Chief Cleveland Spruill ​will discuss the state of law enforcement equipment and response tactics. Athens experienced 163 reported shootings last year as well as 414 motor vehicle thefts and 520 aggravated assaults, as well as a dramatic surge in fatal traffic accidents. The police department received a 3.6% budget increase for Fiscal Year 2022 which includes funding for public safety vehicles and mental health co-responder teams.  


A presentation on the TSPLOST 2018 Prince Avenue Corridor Improvements project will give the commission an updated look at priority recommendations for resident-recommended projects on the corridor between Pulaski Street and Sunset Drive.  


The project user group, appointed in November 2020, lists midblock crossings, protected bike lanes, intersection improvements and more bus stops as “must-have” projects within the $3.8 million budget. The Mayor and Commission will further discuss these recommendations at their next meeting in February. 

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